Food, Bike, Happiness.


Angelo is undeniably the frontman of Mangè, who opens the door and welcomes wayward passers-by. A man of substance rather than form, his love for cycling and restaurants course through his veins in equal measure.

Born in Turin with Apulian origins, he has combined his passion for food - a part of his DNA - with his workaholic Piedmontese nature, working almost exclusively in restaurants; at first with his parents, then on his own, and now, for the last 30 years, with Cristina. He was born with a passion for cycling - and for La Bianchi bikes - but it exploded when, at the age of 12, he received his first bicycle, a metallic bordeaux Legnano, as a gift. With his new racer, he signed up for a team in Turin with whom he pedaled until 18 years old. Work and the company of friends who did not share his passion led to him taking a long break from his beloved sport, which he resumed years later thanks to the encouragement of Cristina and their decision to move to the Langhe to open Mangè. 30 kg later and in better shape than ever, he’s back in the saddle (this time on a Bianchi bicycle) and despite the challenges of coming back after a long break, he won’t give up again, thanks to the support of all of his cyclist friends that stop by Mangè for a coffee and a slice of pie. He has made Mangè the meeting place for any and all cyclists, Italian or foreign, who pass through these parts, offering advice on cycle routes, help to fix a flat tire, and refreshments.

bici, cibo e bei posti
English (UK)