The ten commandments of Mangè

Food is enjoyment. Let’s get that straight.

Tradition is important and represents our roots, but we like to combine this with everything else we have experienced in the world, in order to propose something new.

The food is fresh: we cook with what is available at the market and that inspires us the most, so the menu changes often.

We make our cakes with butter because it’s tastier.

Scooping up every bit of goodness (with your fork, bread, a finger) is mandatory.

If you enjoyed something and you want to lick your fingers, we support you in that choice.

Chicken and rabbit drumsticks should be eaten with your hands.

We do not have a gluten-free, sugar-free, butter-free, and flour-free dish because if you take everything out, then nothing remains.

We don’t set the table with tablecloths, four glasses, and six pieces of cutlery because we have decided to simplify our lives.

Ask nicely, and it will be provided for you.

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English (UK)